Technical Expertise
Improving a complex processing operation relies on a foundation of sound scientific fundamentals. The root causes need to be determined from the multitude of (sometimes misleading) symptoms.
In mineral processing and smelting, the fundamentals required for optimum performance are detailed knowledge of plant operation on the basis of size-by-size, mineral-by-mineral, liberation class-by-liberation class, phase-by-phase. This is combined with an understanding of the chemical interactions, surface chemistry, physical constraints, phase and interface behaviour, materials handling, materials engineering, and how people interact with the system.
You can't get this from a model or from a management consultant’s spreadsheet. You can only get it from people with deep experience in the business; people who take a rigorous approach to technical, physical and organisational factors and the human interactions with them.
We consider what is possible compared both from first principles and from comparison with our extensive database of industry practice. When we know what is possible, then we help you find the most effective way to achieve it.