Ongoing Support
There is one thing more frustrating than an operation that doesn't improve. That is an operation that does improve, only to slowly slide back to the old ways as people leave, lose focus, or are consumed by other demands. We have all been there.
Actually, there is one thing even more frustrating than the sad slide back: the management consultants who charge exorbitantly to tell you how to do it all over again (using a brand new buzzword).
Our job is to help you make the right change and know how to sustain it. We understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics; that any advance will inevitably slide towards disorder without constant input of energy. But this isn't easy as people move on and shareholders demand that you adopt the latest fad. Add to this the challenges of working in remote locations, high elevations, and fly-in-fly-out. It is a constant cycle in a tough business – to the delight of management consultants.
We keep the data. We answer the phone. We remember what was done, and why, long after your people have left. We can provide an ongoing mentoring service for people, or a regular review of performance and reports. Applied correctly and timeously, it takes surprisingly little energy to keep on track.
From this firm foundation comes your next improvement.